Contact Details and Directions
Please contact us by phone or email, or use the contact form below. For directions to Chestnut Mews you can use the the interactive map, click to drag, zoom or switch to street view for sat nav the post code is PO37 6SD.
Ferry Travel
Wightlink car ferries cross from Lymington to Yarmouth in around 30 min’s, Portsmouth to Fishbourne in 45, foot passengers can use the catamaran from Portsmouth to Ryde in 22 min’s. From Ryde Pier Head you can board the train to Shanklin.
Red Funnel car ferry sails between Southampton and East Cowes in 1 hour. If on foot there is the the Hi-Speed Red Jet between Southampton and West Cowes, in 25 min’s.
Hovertravel is the fastest service for foot passengers, from Southsea to Ryde in just 10 min’s.
During high season the ferries can get booked up so it is advisable to make a booking well in advance. It is also worth shopping around as sometimes there can be some good offers depending on route. Once your booking is confirmed, subject to availability, we can provide you with a 15% discount code for wightlink or Red Funnel.
Telephone Peter and Mandy on 020 8144 8641
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